Weeping Tile & Waterproofing

Weeping tile collects groundwater, while waterproofing membranes prevent water penetration.

Weeping Tile & Waterproofing

Weeping Tile

Weeping tile is a porous pipe system installed around the perimeter of a building foundation to collect and redirect groundwater away from the structure/footing.

How Weeping Tile Works:

  • Weeping tile must be installed on the exterior, at the base of the footing
  • As groundwater accumulates around the foundation, it enters the perforations or porous surface of the weeping tile.
  • The collected water is then channeled into a drainage system, such as a sump pump or storm sewer, preventing it from seeping into the basement
  • By maintaining a consistent level of moisture around the foundation, weeping tile helps alleviate hydrostatic pressure, reducing the risk of foundation cracks and water infiltration.

Benefits of Weeping Tile

  • Effective Drainage: Weeping tile provides an efficient means of managing groundwater, reducing the likelihood of basement flooding and water-related damage.
  • Preventative Measure: By directing water away from the foundation, weeping tile helps protect the structural integrity of the building, prolonging its lifespan.
  • Versatility: Weeping tile systems can be customized to suit the specific needs and challenges of different properties, making them a versatile solution for waterproofing applications.


Waterproofing membranes are thin layers of material applied to surfaces to prevent water from passing through.

Benefits of Waterproofing Membranes

Waterproofing: The primary function of membranes is to prevent water from penetrating building structures, thereby protecting them from moisture-related damage.

Flexibility: Many membranes possess excellent flexibility, allowing them to adapt to the contours of the surface and accommodate structural movements without compromising their effectiveness.

Durability: High-quality membranes offer long-term protection against water infiltration, ensuring the structural integrity of your property for years to come.

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